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I have had a deep fear of socializing all my life, but...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: I have had a deep fear of socializing all my life, but...

I have learned (with great difficulty) over the many years certain tactics to help me overcome it... or at least temporarily reduce negative symptoms of this phobia, such as loneliness and depression.

Rule #1: I make it a point and a habit to not get ---- up on any one issue or person for too long... especially if they are, well... "hanging me up". Lol.

Rule #2: I focus on what I CAN do at the moment (not what I am unable to do) as much as possible, even if that just means browsing through countless profiles of other people and "hugging" "smooching" or messaging them just so I can say to myself: "well, at least I could be brightening up someone else's day with this." Personally., that really makes me feel better the more I do that.

Rule #3: (this has been MOST difficult for me to apply) I really really try not to hold grudges. I have learned from extremely painful personal experience that it only makes everything that is wrong 100 times worse. I say to myself: "they are human too, they have their own issues that they deal with in their own way, that's all it is".

Rule #4: I have always been good at this and I use it to better my overall understanding of people and the universe as much as I can, whenever I can: listen, observe, take mental notes, and leave those notes "on the shelf" in the back of your mind for future analysis. (analysis only once you have a clearly peaceful and balanced mind, and some time to spare... I always make sure I have plenty of time to spare, because a lot of that "free time" can and does end up being spent doing all the wrong things: worrying, stressing out, being sad, angry, etc... hence all the problems in the world, lol)

Hope this helps! I'm probably forgetting a whole bunch of other possible "rules"... lol, but I guess I'll just mention more later if and when they come to me. :)

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